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Accurate Intolerance Testing in Chelmsford

Welcome to Duke Intolerance Testing and Nutrition, where I, Darren Duke, am dedicated to unravelling the mysteries behind your health concerns. Serving the Chelmsford area and beyond, my goal is to provide comprehensive intolerance testing and ...

Expert, Non-Invasive and Accesible Care

In the realm of health and nutrition, Duke Intolerance Testing and Nutrition distinguishes itself through a commitment to personalised and non-invasive testing procedures. Unlike conventional methods that may involve blood samples or skin pricking, my ...

Are You Experiencing Any of These Symptoms?

Anxiety, Fatigue, Bloating, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraine, aching joints, feeling unwell, Constipation, diarrhoea, Reflux, Heartburn, Eczema, Rashes, Itching, Hives, Asthma, Coughing, and Hyperactivity, Behaviour problems, mood swings, and sleep problems.

If you are, you might have some food intolerance. Take a test and find out. 

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